Spend less time on admin logistics and more time on your clients.
Coverage Wizard is a fast, easy, and automatic way to verify your client's coverage. The audit tool will save you time and money, while decreasing your liability.
Coverage Wizard is the FIRST automated auditing tool for insurance coverage.
On average it takes up to 5 hours to audit your client's eligibility after open enrollment. Plus, countless hours spent resolving eligibility issues and rate discrepancies throughout the year.
With Coverage Wizard, a full audit report can be run in a matter of minutes.
The process of running an audit on Coverage Wizard is simple, quick, and seamless!
1 - You upload your client's enrollment reports
2 - Coverage Wizard automatically compares files and identifies every mismatch and discrepancy
3 - You get an interactive list of every issue that you can collaborate with your team to resolve, correct and make sure you're properly covered.
We've got you covered
Coverage Wizard was designed by insurance industry veterans to help minimize errors and save time by automatically comparing your BenAdmin system with your carrier's coverage.
New Account Tools
Coverage Change
Company Growth
Agency Structure
Task Tracking
Team Collaboration
Identify potential issues automatically
Any mistake in coverage can lead to high costs and liability.
Missed employee enrollment
Non-covered dependent elections
Missed employee terminations
Incorrect plan elections
Carrier rate misconfigurations
Enrollment mistakes
+ Other common human errors
Full audit history with error logs
Coverage Wizard automatically tracks every discrepancy report to help you keep your team and coverage on track.
Full History of Audit Discrepancies
Collaboration tools to assign error correction to team members.
Timestamps on error resolutions.
Create teams within your organization and assign specific clients and permissions.
Most carriers allow 30-60 days to terminate or enroll an employee retroactively. Coverage Wizard lets you find and correct mistakes instantly to save money, time, and liability.
Missed Terminations
Brokers or clients have to eat the cost for missed employee terminations
E&O claim to cover cost
Missed Enrollment
Claim not covered, Client or Broker pays for the cost
E&O claim to cover the cost of the claim for the employee
Exception granted from carrier, premium charge back to your client
Employee has to wait for the next years open enrollment to enroll
Access to care issues at the doctor, emergency room or hospitalization
Dependents missed during enrollment
Can't fill prescriptions
Incorrect Rates
Employer could be paying a much higher premium then sold
Retroactive rate adjustments
Surprise invoices
Employee Enrolled on the Wrong Plan
Employee is upset they were enrolled on the wrong plan
Employee's payroll deductions were missed calculated
Access to care issues
Employer Liability
About Us
Coverage Wizard was created for brokers by brokers to help navigate processes in a streamlined way.
The role of the insurance brokers has changed tremendously over the past five years. The past role for a broker included doing everything on paper and making numerous phone calls. Now, with employers managing everything online through BenAdmin platforms, there are more steps and systems than ever for a miss configuration to happen.
Coverage Wizard provides tools, automation, and services, allowing the Insurance Industry to catch issues instantly to provide peace of mind.
Request a Demo
We're live and ready to help your team save time and correct your enrollment issues. Fill out your information below and schedule a quick demo right away.