Coverage Wizard

Tired of manual audit marathons? Coverage Wizard is your solution to turning time-consuming audits into a quick, accurate process that boosts your team's productivity and secures client confidence.

Welcome to the Future of Insurance Auditing

Navigating manual insurance audits is a daunting task, filled with potential for errors and inefficiency. You deserve a smoother, more accurate way to ensure your clients’ peace of mind. Enter Coverage Wizard: your solution to transform this arduous process into a seamless, efficient operation. Automating your audits reduces errors and frees up time for what matters most—your clients.

We're all about saving you time.

See how it works in just 2 minutes

This quick explainer video shows the power of our automated solution, partnered with AMWINS, to streamline your auditing process. Say goodbye to the days of manual audits and hello to unmatched efficiency and accuracy.

A fast, easy and automatic way to verify your client's coverage.

Coverage Wizard automatically identifies:
  • Missed employee enrollment
  • Non-covered dependent elections
  • Missed employee terminations
  • Incorrect plan elections
  • Carrier rate misconfigurations
  • Enrollment mistakes
  • + Other common human errors

Easy to use, and with the files you already have access to.

Works with Ease and Employee Navigator – Effortlessly uploading enrollment report and billing. Our user-friendly interface makes it simple.
Rapid Automated Auditing – Our system automatically scans and identify discrepancies within minutes, transforming how you approach audits.
Detailed Results – Dive into a detailed, interactive audit report built for comprehensive review and effective resolution by your team.
Efficient Resolution – Leverage our intuitive collaboration tools to manage, assign, and track resolutions, fostering a cohesive team environment.

Proven Results

Saves Time & Decreases Liability

Our customer went from manual audits taking as long as a movie to the time it takes to watch a music video. Coverage Wizard makes audits up to 30x faster, 5x more accurate, and 100% easier for our clients. 

Make manual audits a thing of the past and step into a future with 5 FREE Audits

Jump into a smoother, more accurate way to ensure your clients’ peace of mind and frees up your time for what matters most—your clients.

Revolutionize Your Insurance Audits with Precision and Ease

Start Your Free Trial with 5 Complimentary Audits